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Offical Obree Coaching Wrist Wrag

- noun
A piece of cloth, especially one torn from a larger piece, used typically for cleaning things.
- "he wiped his sweaty forehead on his third hill repeat of the day"
- "she tried to hide her snotty nose with a swift wipe of the wrist wrag"

- verb
A runners best friend

OC Wrist Wrag


    100% polyester microfibre


    You may return most new, unworn items within 14 days of delivery for a full refund.
    We can exchange clothing sizes should you find you need to, but please be aware you will be responsible to return the item to us for this exchange.
    Please get in touch should you find you're in need of an exchange or return.


    All orders are dispatched within 3-4 working days, or sooner if our magic fingers are working overtime.
    Please remember, we aren't factory based.  All our products are made by us for you. From the creative designing right down to the making and packaging of each top.
    We'll let you know when your order's dispatched and provide you with tracking so you can watch that little dot travel from our HQ all the way to your front door.

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